“Who is Carl Sagan?”

Sci doesn’t usually dip her toe in the water with regard to metabloviation on science outreach and science communication (though she does a lot of both outreach and communication). While I love to run with and develop and perform and output new ideas in science communication and outreach, I find the controversies and discussions surrounding […]

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Friday Weird Science: EveryBODY…Rock your BODY

When Ed tweeted something earlier this week about the silliest science he had ever seen coming out soon, I figured it would be right up Sci’s alley. And I’m pretty sure this was the paper he referred to, and if it wasn’t, than some truly INSANE science must have gone entirely unnoticed by the main […]

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Things you wish you knew when you started…THE BIBLE.

Lab Spaces has some great topic ideas sometimes. This week’s (month’s?) is “Things I wish I knew when…”. And I would like to tell you about the thing I did end up knowing. I have passed it on to successive generations, and they tell me that verily, it is the word of truth, righteousness, and […]

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Welcome to the Blogsphere, CPDD!

The ever perspicacious Drugmonkey has let the world know that CPDD, the College on the Problems of Drug Dependence, has started a BLOG! It will be written by CPDD members and invited writers, and they’ve already got some great stuff up about the politics of drug addiction research. Sci is totally excited that more drug […]

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Cocaine and Rats: Escalation and Addiction

Sci deeply considered titling this post “Becoming Lindsay Lohan: Cocaine Escalation in Rats”. But then I thought…nah…too much. 🙂 Anyway, a post over at Drugmonkey yesterday got Sci to thinking about drug self-administration in rats, and more particularly, HOW we use it to model cocaine addiction in humans. Because, like other models, drug self-administration in […]

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Office n00bs and Perceptions

Some of you may remember that Sci has recently graduated and become a post-doc! She’s very pleased with her new surroundings, but has a question for the masses: how comfy should one make one’s office space? See, Sci spends a lot of time in the office. Right now, not TOO much, but come grant deadline […]

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The Bacterial Good Samaritan

So we are now headed off to a new, shiny server which will hopefully make us all happy and responsive again! And what better way to start it off than with a paper that BLOWS MY MIND?!?! I’ll admit that Ed actually blogged it before me (though I had intended to blog it for a […]

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Do You wanna Be on my Blogroll?

Well, it looks like the move to a new server is ALMOST complete (if you can see this, we’ve thrown the switch!).  Sci’s on another newish blog setup, and she thinks she’s got it almost as shiny as the old.  But there is one thing totally awesome. Over there on the sidebar to the right, […]

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Mo’ Siteviews, Mo’ Problems

As you all may have head from the other peeps around here at Scientopia, we are suffering some server issues. 🙁 Hopefully this shall be worked out soon, but until then, we are having to disable comments. Sci loves her readers and this breaks her soft little heart, but hopefully we shall be back at […]

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