Practice Spinning, Tiny Dancer.

One of the most impressive things to see a ballet dancer do is SPIN. They go round and round and never seem to get dizzy! How do they do it? They alter their brains! I’m at SciAm blogs today showing how. Head over and check it out!

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A Cocaine Vaccine?

I am at SciAm Blogs today, talking about a recent paper on the cocaine vaccine. Does it work? And how? What does it do? Head over and check it out.

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The BRAIN Initiative: BAM or BUST?

Sci is at SciAm today, talking about the much-talked-of BRAIN initiative. What is it? What are its goals? And will it work? Will it be a BAM (Brain Activity Map) or a BUST (Badly Underfunded S**T)? What do you think? Head over and check it out.  

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Does Neuroscience need a Newton?

Sci is at SciAm Blogs today, talking about the recent backlash against neuro-hype (which I am ALL in support of, obviously), highlighting the excellent work of Neuroskeptic and The Neurocritic, and asking…does neuroscience need a Newton? I personally think the question, especially now, is pointless. Newtons aren’t the way science works anymore, and with the […]

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Hebephilia, the “measurable penile response”, and psychological damage in children

Since I first saw a post by Jesse Bering, responding to a question by a “Deep Thinking Hebephile”, I have wished to write a response of my own, covering more of the literature on the subject, and clarifying some points. It’s taken a while to gather my sources. For starters, I do not think that […]

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Don’t put down the Fritos: Salt cravings and your crack habit.

One of the interesting things about being a scientist is reading how science is interpreted in the mainstream media, and then comparing the headlines back to the science that was, you know, actually done. When I was a young, and highly naive little scientist, I would read the headlines and go “oh, wow, they found […]

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The Opposite Side of Dopamine: The D2 Receptor

When most people think of dopamine, they think of things that can get you high. Things that feel good. Cocaine. Sex. Food. We imagine floods of dopamine in our brains as the pleasurable feelings take hold. As more and more media outlets cover neuroscience, we get the idea that serotonin means happiness, but dopamine means…pleasure. […]

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