How does your brain hear distance?

Sci is at SciAm blogs today, talking about a paper that covers a topic that I hadn’t really given much thought to before: how can your brain tell how far away a sound it when you hear it? Head over and check it out.

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Friday Weird Science: Stuffing your bra for SCIENCE

You know, science requires a lot of courage. It takes courage on behalf of the scientists, trying new things, developing new techniques. And it takes courage on the part of the participants. It takes a really courageous person to give birth in an fMRI. To orgasm in an fMRI, to have SEX in an fMRI, […]

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Who are you? The Anniversary Edition.

(Source) Sci Am Blogs is one year old today! And to celebrate, I’d like to find out about YOU. WHO…are YOU…? Taking a page from the illustrious Ed Yong today, and I want to know who you are. I know that many people find it a hassle to comment at SciAm, so here is the […]

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Happy 4th!

Today is Independence Day in the US, and I figure Sci deserves a day of independence herself. So if you need me, Imma be over there doing the traditional 4th of July things. Thanks everyone and we’ll see you tomorrow!!

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Stress and Depression and Neuritin?

Sci is at SciAm blogs today, talking about a cool new study which might bring a new player to the antidepressant game: neuritin. While the stress and depression link is pretty well known by now, neuritin is new, and might end up being something cool! Head over and check it out!

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