Take me as I am, and my paper as it is?

I rarely opine on publishing or publishing practices. This is mostly because I feel like I’m not ‘good’ at them. My papers don’t often get in with minor revisions. Often I’ve got a ridiculously puffed head about my own work (apparently), and send them to places which reject them out of hand, or suggest major […]

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Did we mind-meld two rats?

Sci is at SciAm Blogs today, talking about the recent study showing two rats, connected brain to brain. Did we create Borg? What is this connection exactly…and what does it mean? And is it worth the hype? Head over and check it out.

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Friday Weird Science: Why eat tongue when you can eat testes? The castrating trematode

Carl Zimmer over at Phenomena posted another great post about the tongue-eating parasite! Don’t worry, it’s not coming for YOUR tongue, it prefers fish. The parasites get in the fish’s mouth, one turns female (they start out all male) and eats the fish’s tongue, and then takes its place! She hang outs there while the […]

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