Running the stress away

Whenever you get really stressed out, do you ever get the urge to just…run? Literally? Ok, maybe most of us run in the direction of the nearest bakery. But running (or otherwise doing long term exercise, probably not just a jog around the block) really can help with anxiety. But how does it work?   […]

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Friday Weird Science: The Best Pose for Passing Gas

Today’s post fodder comes to you from the former NCBI ROFL, now “Seriously, Science?” over at Discover Blogs. I swear, I do TONS of pubmed searches for farts, but somehow never found this one. In what position do you prefer to fart? Do you let them loose while lying down? Cut the cheese crouching? Squeak […]

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Being a Bookworm to Help the Aging Brain

I’m sure everyone has heard that activities like Sudoku and doing lots of math can help maintain your cognitive function as you age. This is because these activities require increased “cognitive load”, they are hard to do and therefore take more cognitive effort. Doing this as you age (and preferably starting long before you age) […]

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What is dopamine? Dopamine is ______

Sci has a piece over at Slate today, asking “What is dopamine?” We often hear about dopamine being motivation, lust, love, reward, addiction. Is it any, or all of these things? The answer is much more complicated, and much, MUCH more interested. Head over and check it out!

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At SciAm Blogs today: Losing the "taste" for sperm!

The human body is a versatile thing. So versatile that receptors that we usually think of as being important for taste…are also important in your SPERM. On the tongue, it’s sweet or savory. In the testes…infertility. At least in mice. Head over and check it out!

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