…they wear big socks.
No, really, you KNOW what they say about guys with big feet. Everyone learned some time in middle school that guys with big feet were supposed to have big penises. This is related to the idea that longer, or bigger, penises are associated with increased masculinity or better abilities in the sack. The idea of a LONGER penis being automatically more satisfactory is, of course, bogus. Masters and Johnson reported, way back when (Masters WH, Johnson VE, Kolodny R. “Heterosexuality”. 1994), that penis size had no effect on female sexual satisfaction, but others have reported that girth may play a role, at least, if you believe the response of sophomore college students on surveys. But the reality is probably that it’s not the size that counts, it’s how you use it.
Anyway, the idea that guys with big feet must also have other things about them that are are larger than normal has been around for a while, and has probably made a lot of perfectly normal men feel somewhat embarrassed about their shoe size. But the question is…is it TRUE?!
It’s time for SCIENCE! Science and VERSE. Yeah, I said it.
Shah and Christopher. “Can shoe size predict penile length?” BJU International, 2002.
Once two urologists, both bored
Found a question that struck a sure chord
And they went forthwith
To dispel popular myth
And satisfy discontented hordes.
For many a man did they know
who oft wished his shoe size would grow
Cause as everyone “knows”
From the heel to the toes
Announces the size of his “hose”.
But the doctors stopped and said ‘wait!’
Your shoe size may not be your fate!
This myth must be tested
And the doctors suggested
A correlation would end the debate.
And thus, to asses size and shape
To their patients they took measuring tape
Stretched the dick to excess
The right length to assess
And took also the normal shoe shape.
And lo and behold but they found
That the myth of shoe size has no ground!
And no man’s shoe size
should widen other’s eyes
There was no correlation to be found.
So men everywhere, do walk tall!
Worry not if your feel are small!
The word on the street
About guys with big feet?
They wear larger shoes, is all.
Shah, J., & Christopher, N. (2002). Can shoe size predict penile length? BJU International, 90 (6), 586-587 DOI: 10.1046/j.1464-410X.2002.02974.x