There are three points that are Important in this post:
1) Today is the Best Day of the Year. Not yesterday. Yesterday was just Valentine’s Day. TODAY is the day that all the Valentine’s Day chocolate goes on sale. I hope that you are all celebrating appropriately. I assure you Sci is doing her best. Those little mini-Snickers are SO MINE. Also Reese’s. Also possibly things with cherries in them. And truffles. LOTS of truffles.
2) Over the weekend, Neurotopia passed 1,000,000 hits!!! We’re a little blog, and so we are very proud of hitting our big mile marker! It’s an even better excuse to go buy chocolate.
3) However, Sci’s computer…has a virus. A big one. It has put pr0ns all over her computer (srsly, I have no idea how I got it, but I blame taking off the moderate safe search to find images of “baboon syndrome”. The things I do for you people…). Until the dang thing is reformatted and reinstalled, she is…helpless. It’s a measure of how addicted to the internet Sci is that she has been CLIMBING THE WALLS all day without her computer. Grrr. Here’s hoping it’s fixed soon, and Sci will then return, triumphant over the pr0ns. But it’s still a good excuse to go and buy some chocolate. For comfort purposes, of course.