Sci is so excited you guys. I am taking a VACATION. It’s the first time in…more than three years, I think, where I am going someplace I have never been and using the time to do exactly what I want to do. NO WORK will be coming with me.

As much as I feel I’ve earned it, as a good little new post-doc, I can’t shake the feeling that if I were REALLY devoted to science, I wouldn’t be taking a week off. But you know what, screw that noise. I am kicking the guilt. I didn’t even get a break between dissertation and post-doc, and I surely do need one.

So YAY! Mr. S and I are taking a WHOLE WEEK to fly to an undisclosed location far from our current undisclosed location. It’s gonna be a good time.

And in the meantime, I decided to do a series of reposts. I get a lot of comments from friends of the blog that, even though I try REALLY REALLY hard to be simple on the blog and talk to people without much science-knowledge, I get complaints that I go right over people’s heads. I’m very sorry, and I’m trying to be better. But there also comes a point where you’re gonna have to meet me halfway. A lot of these subjects require a TON of background knowledge about things like neurotransmission, etc. So over time, I have been building up a series of basic posts about these things, and I try to link to them when I’m writing about more complicated stuff to get you started. So next time I’m going over your head, remember to click the links! They might help you out a lot.

And in the interest of helping you out even more, thus begins GOING BACK TO BASICS week at Neurotic Physiology. I will be reposting my basics about neurotransmission, dopamine, serotonin, depression, and drugs of abuse, to give you a little more idea of where I’m coming from. Please comment with questions, and when I get back I can answer them, or do entire other posts to clarify. And if you have another idea for basics posts that I might cover, please let me know!

And now…back to basics week! Keep checking in, there are a lot of these! And I do my best to be my usual entertaining self.