Sci got home last night to a rather interesting occurrence. A bat in the house. Myotis lucifugus, I’m pretty sure. One of these:
Rather cute, right? Except for the teeth thing…and the rabies vector thing…
It was flying around in a truly panicked manner, and would only come to rest in places too high for me to reach. This is also why I do not have a home grown pic (which I really wanted). The other reason for this would be that Sci doesn’t have a camera…but we’ve all got issues, right?
Catching bats in a difficult venture. Sci has had a bat before, and what you’ve got to do is slip a wide-mouthed jar (or shoebox, or something) over the bat, then slide a piece of cardboard under that to trap it. Alternatively, you can try and open all the doors and windows and letting it fly out. Clearly, this bat was NOT the best navigator (echolocation FAIL, it flew by the door at least 50 times!!!). But it never came to rest in a place where the landlord and I could reach it, and suffice it to say, the landlord was not…thrilled about the bat, and probably less than sure in this manner of trying to trap it.

Eventually it flew out the window. But it took a couple of hours. So there will be no post today. You get a bat story instead.
Anyone got advice on how to get bats out? Does making sound make them fly around more, or less? Soothing sounds? Hefty gloves? Advice appreciated.