Poem of the Day: #8

After Lunch I. After lunch, it creeps Death of my motivation the dread Food Coma II. The coma slips in Data wavers on the screen Just to close my eyes… III. No, foul sleepiness! I shall not submit! Hook up My caffeine i.v.!

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No Crybabies in Science

Every so often, Sci hangs out with other grad students, or sometimes recent post-grads. If we are relatively good friends, there will almost always be some rendition of the conversation Sci likes to call “no crybabies in science”.

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Poem of the Day: #7

I. the lab’s dismal air mourning your unborn paper alas, you’ve been scooped II. lab mates crowd around printed copies fly like birds try to find a flaw III. your data can’t die publish you must, or perish find a new angle

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Journal Editor Speaks about His Experiences

(I had this whole post ready talking about flexible representations, but now my computer is borked — stupid monitor! — so this is going to have to do.) Tyler Cowen over at Marginal Revolution links to a piece by a former editor at American Economic Review</em telling all about how papers are accepted for publication. […]

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Poem of the Day: #6

The following poem is dedicated to my labmate, post-doc, and colleague. You know who you are. Boom! How cruel my labmate yesterday Upon my computer screen played dance music, bad 80’s style “YOU BEEN RICKROLL’D!” he screamed. At first I laughed, ’twas no big thing And the dancing was funny and wry but now I […]

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An Open Letter

To the Lab Person who Stole my favorite fine-tip Sharpie, You horrible, cruel person! How could you!?! I mean, really. Everyone in science knows the power of a really good Sharpie. We have them in all shapes, sizes, and colors. I love them all. Really, scientists live by the sharpie. When you need to mark […]

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Friday Weird Science: Heeeere, lizard lizard lizard…

Sci is unfortunately coming down to the wire on several projects (including approaching Super Awesome Conference at which Sci is going to BLIND PEOPLE WITH SCIENCE), and so there was no time to cover a paper this week, even though I had several in mind. Instead, Sci will show you…this: The image is courtesy of […]

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Poem of the Day: #5

To dopamine I. O fair dopamine wondrous molecule, so cool even gets you high. II. Reward, punishment in dopamine highs and lows a complete package III. Tasty dopamine the umami of my brain why can’t you hate carbs? IV. Feel the pleasure and the pain, wrong motivation dopamine, habit V. “Neurotransmission” sad how these long […]

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Poem of the Day: #4

With apologies to Lewis Carroll, who is spinning in his grave. ‘Twas grad school, and the slithy gels did gyre and gimble on the bench All mimsy was the PCR In front of this lab wench. “Beware the Dissertation!” they cried “The data that sucks, the committees that catch Beware the late night hours and […]

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Poem of the Day: #3

From Childhood. Eenie meenie miiney moe Catch your advisor by their toe If they agree to submit your manuscript, let them go eenie meenie miiney moe

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