it also appears that stress brings out other behaviors in humans that may not be as positive as you think.
it also appears that stress brings out other behaviors in humans that may not be as positive as you think.
w00t I know not all my readers are from the US (I know I’ve got a couple in the UK, some in Canada, and some in New Zealand. What up, guys?) but ’round these digs, the 4th of July is usually celebrated as Independence Day, the day a bunch of people who didn’t like their […]
Ok, there’s a big furor going on around Scienceblogs over some truly disgusting ads in the side bars for thing like Thai women and Russian brides and chelation therapy. Sci would like to take this opportunity to state that Neurotopia in no way approves of these ads. However, I haven’t really seen them popping up […]
h yeah, look at that cute lady echidna, so cold, so slow moving…
It wasn’t until college that Sci first heard Wednesday referred to as “Hump Day”. She apologizes for a certain lack of hefty content in the latest series of posts. This thing, they call it “real” life”, and it’s getting in the way. But there are some things you NEED to see. 1) The guys at […]
This isn’t the end of Silence is the Enemy. It is only the beginning.
The call, half roar, half terrifying honk of annoyance, echoed across the room. From the depths of a warm, comfortable nest, the monster stirred. Something was prodding it out of its lurid, murky dreams. “brrt, brrt, brrt… …brrt, brrt, brrt…” Snarling, the beast surged from the bed, lunging over to the alarm clock placed irritatingly […]
More like an opinion, but that’s not quite right.
But why should we do this? Why not pass on ALL our genes to our offspring, and not have to deal with other members of the species? Screw them, I want MY genes passed on!
Sci loves it when she’s famous. This is mostly because it never happens in real life. But you will ALL know who Sci is when she TAKES OVER THE WORLD. Mwah ha ha ha. And now, as part of my new plan for world domination, there’s an interview with me over at Bora’s place!! Truly, […]