Today is the day. Today, one year ago, the very first post went up at Sci’s old place. *sniff* (single, nostalgic tear)
Today is the day. Today, one year ago, the very first post went up at Sci’s old place. *sniff* (single, nostalgic tear)
When I first picked up the book, I was…a little annoyed. Jonah’s writing style is poppy, full of snappy sentences and catchy phrases. But then I realized, hey wait, this is good writing!
To those who don’t talk about it, it’s time that someone DID.
Ok ok. I admit I love this article because I get to use the word “flaturia” a lot.
Our brains may want cake, and other parts of our brains want healthy. The two sides need to fight. But which areas of your brain are responsible? And how do they modulate each other?
Finally, Scientiae is up! It’s Sci’s first time submitting to the carnival, and I’m very glad that I got in. It’s a big one, too, a two part experiment from Endless Possibilities. I highly recommend, especially the ones from The Bigger Picture (with photos of women in science looking very badass), and more than a […]
Or at least it raineth a LOT today. Going for a run in the rain makes Sci feel very badass, but it also makes life around the southeast EXTREMELY humid and nasty. It is now May, and it’s official, nothing will be truly dry until at least October. But luckily for all of you, there’s […]
This year’s evolution essay contest winners at the
The Cognitive Psych people, very crafty.
So we know that beetles are capable of displacing sperm from the other males that came before them. But what about the males of other species? What about…Humans?