Friday Weird Science: Can a slug live in your stomach?

It’s always fun to hear about the rumors that were going around back in the day. Like, now, I’m sure people hear all sorts of rumors about their friend who knows a guy who ran from the cops over the state line or something. But historically? Well, different times, different rumors. And apparently the one […]

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Becoming an individual twin

Sci is at SciAm Blogs today, talking about a study showing development of individuality in genetically identical mice. It’s not the genetics, and it’s not the environment. Rather, it’s how you experience your environment that makes an individual difference. Head over and check it out!  

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The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

Everyone knows that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. After all, in a crowded room, it’s often the loudest voice that’s going to get heard. And if you’re a busy rat mom just trying to get through the day, well, when all your pups are squeaking? Start with the one that squeaks the loudest! But […]

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Growing old with NF-kB

Sci is at SciAm blogs today talking about a new study on aging. Specifically, the discovery of a new role for the protein NF-kB. Less NF-kB? Longer lived mice. What does this mean and where does it go? Head over and check it out.

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Friday Weird Science: Are Boobs Better Braless?

I’m sure many of you saw the news going around a few weeks ago. Bras make breasts sag!! The French debate the bra! Etc etc. Of course, I immediately wanted to blog it! I mean, bras! Boobs! That’s Friday Weird Science material! And so I set out looking for the study. Until I realized…there was […]

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At Slate: Psychology is WEIRD

It’s a big day around the Scicurious Environs. Sci is at Slate today talking about WEIRD psychology studies. By which I mean those in Western, Education, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic Societies…and those mostly made of up college students. How does this impact the field of psychology? And how does it impact the way people look […]

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Sci is at SciAm blogs today talking about…well…who am I? I think it’s time you all found out. Head over and check it out!  

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The Lovely Voice of Daisy Buchanan

“…but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget” – The Great Gastby, F. Scott Fitzgerald Sci is at SciAm Blogs today, talking about voices. What makes a voice attractive to a man or a woman? What makes it one of those voices that you […]

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