Parkinson's: much more than dopamine

Sci is at SciAm blogs today, talking about a study showing that Parkinson’s is more than dopamine, and that serotonin may have something to do with it. It’s an interesting study with some widespread implications that cover more than Parkinson’s. Head over and check it out.

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Friday Weird Science: Why, you DIRTY LITTLE HERPS!

This story broke Wednesday, so I’m very late. But this is just such an awesome story that I can’t leave it alone. And not ALL of the puns and jokes have been used up yet!!! There’s still a bit left for me! So here it goes!! HEADLINE TURTLES CAUGHT HUMPING OTHER TURTLES. SCIENTISTS SHOCKED!!! “We […]

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Wanna feel good? Tell me ALL about yourself.

We all know what blogging started off as. Livejournals, devoted to people talking, with a certain amount of self-satisfaction, about themselves, what they had for breakfast, and how not getting a pony when they were 8 caused them to become a vegan. Self-blogging continues, and now there’s also Facebook, where you can take lots of […]

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Loving complex melodies? You could be ovulating! Or not.

Sci is at SciAm blogs today, looking at a study which examined the preference for musical complexity in women across the menstrual cycle. Do you prefer more complex melodies at that time of the month? Are you looking to be impressed by prospective males? Head over and find out!

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Exercise and Depression part the second: a critique of a critique

Yesterday Hilda Baston (of the Statistically funny blog which I only just discovered!) posted to the SciAm Guest Blog, with a thoughtful and useful critique of my critique (I know, so meta!) of the recent exercise and depression study. And she’s got some great points. But you know what? I’ve got great points, too. 🙂 […]

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"exercised over nothing"

That’s a quote from one of the tweets about this study this morning, and seems to sum it up pretty well. That latest study which blasted through the media, saying that exercise doesn’t help depression? I don’t buy it, and I’ll tell you why. Head over to The Scicurious Brain to find out.

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On Outreach: something's got to give

I keep seeing posts which go on and on, we don’t understand science, there’s not enough scientific outreach, and this is all the scientists’ fault. This is the message I get, over and over. It is the scientists’ fault. If we really cared about outreach we should be doing it, it is our job, our […]

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