Rock Stars Vs Cheerleaders

Sci doesn’t generally like expressing her opinion on things in the blogsphere. It usually gets her yelled at, and Sci is a very conflict-averse little soul. But every once in a while. I see something that gets me thinking. And so I must comment. And at least half the internet will probably declare war on […]

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Thanks so much to everyone who donated to Sci’s Donor’s Choose!!! We raised a lot of money and I am completely thrilled that students will be able to get things like owl pellets and skeletons and, heck, pencils. And NOW! NOW IT IS TIME FOR PRIZES!!! (Source) Sci took all the names of the people […]

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Rock Stars of Science Is BACK.

Some of you might remember last year, for the first time, the Rock Stars of SCIENCE! The idea was to make science more cool and accessible by showing that scientists are not just scientists, they are people. And people who are kind of awesome. So they took a bunch of very big scientists and paired […]

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Donor’s Choose: Last Chance!

It’s almost over!!! Donor’s Choose drive ends on Wednesday, and I cannot say how thrilled I am at how well people have responded!!! There have been wonderful donations and kids are going to get a better education in SCIENCE because of it! (From here) We’ve got a few more days, so please consider donating to […]

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Donor’s Choose, coming to an end soon!

Sci has been nothing but impressed with how great everyone has been donating to Donor’s Choose!! There are so many wonderful science projects that have been funded and it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. (Scientopians, incredibly pleased at the donor’s choose response! The brown one with the weird expression must […]

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Donor’s Choose Update 3!

I would first like to note that it’s REALLY hard to use a laptop when your cat is taking up all the available lap. This post brought to you courtesy of SciCat, who is watching closely over the proceedings. Sci is so impressed and thrilled to see how many people have really come to the […]

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Donors Choose Update 2!

Is it Donor’s Choose? Donors’ Choose? Donors Choose? None of them look quite RIGHT to me… Anyway, Sci is down with a cold. And so while she’s under the covers with the sniffles, slurping Ramen with chicken flavor (work with what you’ve got, you know?), and wearing SciCat on her head, she would like to […]

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Donor’s Choose Update 1!

So it turns out (because I made my giving page before I posted about it, I thought we were supposed to start on the 10th…), that a bunch of my projects were filled. But worry not! I have picked up a bunch more, in particular projects for things like microscopes and model skeletons, and one […]

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Sci is so excited you guys!!! The past two years I have either missed Donor’s Choose, or been so wrapped up in other crazy crap that I couldn’t participate like I wanted. But not this year! This year, Sci is proud to announce that I have my VERY OWN Donor’s Choose Giving page!!! So here’s […]

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Confronting Misrepresentation in Animal Research

If you don’t already, I highly recommend reading Speaking of Research, a site dedicated to the promotion of carefully performed animal research and the highest standards of animal welfare. As I’m sure you know, animal research is a hotly contested area, but many of the findings you will read about on this blog, findings essential […]

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