“Who is Carl Sagan?”

Sci doesn’t usually dip her toe in the water with regard to metabloviation on science outreach and science communication (though she does a lot of both outreach and communication). While I love to run with and develop and perform and output new ideas in science communication and outreach, I find the controversies and discussions surrounding […]

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Rally in support of biomedical science today!!!

This will be the second year that UCLA will hold a rally in support of biomedical science and in support of well-regulated welfare-based animal research. The first one was held last year, and attracted over 700 people! Sci was (and is) unfortunately not in that region, but she remembered last year how excited she was […]

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A Tuesday Note

Worry not, Sci is alive at this time. She is merely far more busy than usual. This, too, shall pass. However, in this time in which there is no crazy neuroscience going on up in here (though I’ve got some stuff in mind), check this out. It’s post over at Isis’ place on languages other […]

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More on Animal Research

The website Speaking of Research, a site devoted to spreading accurate information about the uses and benefits of animal research, has put part of my previous post on their site (no worries, they had permission). They have also put up a great aggregate of the recent posts from the science blogging community on animal research. […]

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On Animal Research

Recently, one of my beloved SciBlings, Janet, was one of the speakers at a UCLA Dialogue on the ethics of animals in research. Although I was more than a little afraid for her (of course her name, address, email, and phone were instantly posted all over the activists websites), but Sci’s fears turned out unfounded […]

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The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

At SciOnline 2010 this year, I was lucky enough to snag a copy of the new book by Rebecca Skloot, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks“. I’d been looking forward to reading it for a long time, so I plunked myself down when I got back, and despite some serious other time sinks on my […]

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Book Review: Don’t be SUCH a Scientist

Sci had a LOT of trouble with this book. It took me a long time to read it. This is mostly because Sci, unlike many people on the internet, actively avoids things that make her mad or negatively impact her blood pressure. I’ve got plenty of pressure and things in my life that make me […]

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Speaking of Research at SFN

“They attacked all of neuroscience when they attacked me” -David Jentsch This morning Sci attended the symposium on Animals in Research: Widening the Tent, a symposium on how to reach out and garner more support for animal research, and to encourage scientists to speak out. You’d think that would be a pretty easy thing, of […]

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Donors Choose!

Ok, Sci will admit she’s not doing Donor’s Choose this year. I really WANTED to, I really did. But there’s just crazy things going on. CRAZY THINGS. And I cannot do it. But I wanted to. And a lot of other people are doing it! You should visit them. You should donate things! A lot […]

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The Taming of the Shrew

*cough cough* This is not a post about science. You were warned. Science post tomorrow. Sci went to see Taming of the Shrew this weekend. Mr. S brought her to the show as a semi-surprise, because he is generally awesome. 🙂 And I highly recommend (the show! Not Mr. S! Mr. S is mine). It’s […]

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