It’s almost over!!!

Donor’s Choose drive ends on Wednesday, and I cannot say how thrilled I am at how well people have responded!!! There have been wonderful donations and kids are going to get a better education in SCIENCE because of it!

(From here)

We’ve got a few more days, so please consider donating to some of the projects!!! People need everything from squid to skeletons, from pencils to preserved frogs, from microscopes to magnets. So go to my Donor’s Choose page (on the right in the sidebar), and help! It’s only $5. Or however much. And it doesn’t have to be my page, it can be anyone’s!

But if it IS my page…You can win my STUFF! Sci just got brand spanking new nice stuff, and two lucky winners will get items from my brand new store!!!

You know you want a piece of this.