I would first like to note that it’s REALLY hard to use a laptop when your cat is taking up all the available lap. This post brought to you courtesy of SciCat, who is watching closely over the proceedings.

Sci is so impressed and thrilled to see how many people have really come to the fore for Donor’s Choose this year! So many projects have already been funded, and this means that so many kids are going to learn valuable things about science. And who knows? Maybe they’ll be inspired, and become scientists themselves! and even if they don’t, they will know so much more about the world, and that is ALWAYS something worth funding.

So don’t forget to give to Donor’s Choose!! It helps kids, and helps science. Today I’d like to particularly highlight Ms. R’s classroom, which needs materials to study the skeletal system, Mr. Y’s class, which need materials to study forensics, Ms. N’s class, which needs a skeleton (and who DOESN’T want a skeleton!?), and Ms. K’s class, which needs materials to help support their class RABBIT (but watch out, it has big, pointy TEETH)!

Sci doesn’t care if you give through her page specifically, or through anyone else’s page, as long as you CAN help out some of these kids.

BUT, if you DO donate through my page…well you could WIN! Sci will be giving away two brand spanking new items from her Scicurious Store of Awesome and Win! And if you donate through my giving page, you could win! You know you want an awesome Scicurious mug! So donate away, and you may get something fun!!!