If you head to the Scientopia front page today, you’ll notice something about our recent posts…MAD SCIENCE!! Scientopia decided to go with a MAD SCIENCE theme this year.

(From Girl Genius: Romance, Adventure, MAD SCIENCE! If you don’t read it, you REALLY REALLY SHOULD)

And so today we are posting on MAD SCIENCE, the crazies of science, the things that make us FEEL like Mad Scientists, and other things which are mad and scientific. In a good way.

So far we have:

SCI! My Friday Weird Science Mad Science Edition
Zuska: MAD SCIENCE!! or Atoms for Peace and Fun with TRIGA.
WHIZBang: Psychedlic God Particles.
Book of Trogool: MAD LIBRARY SCIENCE! The Story ofMelvil Dui
Prof-Like Substance: Something Scary this way comes in the life of a TT professor.
Adventures in Ethics and Science: On being bloody minded and neighbors, ergot, and zombies (one of these things is not like the others?).

Check ’em out, and maybe more shall come!