First of all, some of you may have seen the concept of “science’s rightful place” floating around after President Obama said “we will restore science to its rightful place”. But what IS the rightful place of science? There are a lot of great bloggers weighin in on the topic. Sci…needs time to formulate her thoughts. But I would very much like to know what YOU think. What is the rightful place of science?
Secondly, while I was at ScienceOnline ’09 this year, I got to check out a lot of people’s blogs. And it made our blog seem a little…dusty. Well the content, of course, is scintillating, but other parts could use improvement. I’ve since been inspired, and have been playing around with stuff on the sidebar, and if I’m REALLY good, we’ll see about adding a rotating blogroll so we don’t have that huge mess down the side.
But it’s still a little…colorless. I think we need a NEW BANNER! Unfortunately, Sci really can’t draw, and her skills with photoshop or anything else are even worse. Evil has some ideas, but I would also like to solicit ideas from people out there who have fantastic skills.
Size requirements: 750×95 pixels.
Other requests: It should probably contain the word “Neurotopia”. We can drop the “v 2.0”, as we don’t really care about it. We would like some color, and as we are both neuro people, some cool neuro stuff would be especially awesome. Pretty glia, cool stains, pics or drawings of brains, you know. Other options also include drugs and things, as we do a certain amount of blogging on that.
What you’d win: the entries would be judged by an incredibly partial panel, otherwise known as me and Evil. Winners would receive documentation on the site for design of the banner. Winners could also receive something else, depending on how good you are at negotiation. I like sending people stuff…
Deadline: Ummmm…Lessee…how about February 5? Is that enough time? Please, those who are artistic, let me know if this is something that will take more time and I can give you all the time you require. Please do design us something pretty!!