Sci came across a post by Jeremy Yoder at the Molecular Ecologist the other day. It was “Knowing what I know now” and was a set of reflections grad school. It’s full of great gems of advice.

And it made me think of some advice of my own! There are LOADS of things that I would go back and try to earnestly tell my first-year self. But of course, while I can’t benefit from it (yet, c’mon time travel!), you can! And so, in talking with Jeremy, we’d like to solicit posts for a Carnival, held at The Molecular Ecologist, on “Knowing what I know now“. We’d love to see advice from all stages. Grad students, what would you tell undergrads? Postdocs, what would you tell grad students? Tenure track, what would you tell postdocs? And you tenured people, what wisdom can you pass on to us?

I will be writing my own post on it shortly (probably tomorrow!), and would love to hear from all of you! Give me some advice, help those still to come. Submit posts to Jeremy, and he’ll deliver you a carnival full of great advice on December 10th!