Sci is so excited you guys!!! The past two years I have either missed Donor’s Choose, or been so wrapped up in other crazy crap that I couldn’t participate like I wanted. But not this year! This year, Sci is proud to announce that I have my VERY OWN Donor’s Choose Giving page!!! So here’s how it works:

1) Click this link. (I’ll also add a widget).

2) Pick a project.

3) Give money. As little as $5!

4) *poof* You have just helped a classroom in need. Your donation is going to help kids learn and love SCIENCE.

Right now, Sci has picked projects that are the most in need, especially those for kids in high school. I know that a lot of people younger need help too (and I picked some of those as well), but I know that many of these high poverty schools need the extra leg up to help these kids get in to college and pursue science as a career. Coming from a non-rich area myself, it warms Sci’s little heart to see these teachers who so desperately want to help their students succeed, and who are working their hardest to inspire and help them get a good education. Sci would not be here today without some amazing teachers in her high school, who did the same for her, once upon a time.

So please help out! Give what you want, or give what you can. Sci was even able to donate on her grad school budget last year. It’s all for the sake of kids. And for the sake of SCIENCE!!!