Duh nuh…
Duh nuh, duh nuh….
Duh nuh, duh nuh, Duh nuh, duh nuh, Duh nuh, duh nuh, Duhnuh, duhnuh, Duhnuh, duhnuh…

YES! It’s out. Finally. After a great deal of toil and a certain amount of lateness. Also stress. And there was very little sleep.
You can buy it HERE!
Buy one for yourself! Buy for your friends! Buy one for that poor starving grad student in the lab down the hall to read when they are in the lab super late at night (also, buy them a sandwich to go with it).
It’s not even that expensive! You might be able to give TWO grad students an interesting evening waiting for their experiments to finish.
YAY! It is out! And Sci’s work is done. And she was rather proud to hold the very first copy in her tired, grubby little paws. We’ve got some fun stuff in there (hyenas and boobies and beer!) and some contemplative stuff in there (animal research and academia and much much more). And here’s hoping I didn’t massively screw something up! But you’ll have to buy it and read it in order to tell me so. 🙂