As some of you might be aware, American Thanksgiving is coming up. Sci generally prefers to focus on the family aspect, and of course on the delicious and awesomely vast quantities of food. But she ALSO would like to focus on things that we are Thankful For. And to that end, she asked the talented bloggers of Scientopia: what are you thankful for?

Throughout the week, we’ll be posting what we are thankful for, in terms of three ideas:

1) AN ITEM: what item in your scientific career are you most thankful for, which has made your life immeasurably easier? Pubmed? The rapid cycling PCR machine?

2) A PERSON: Who in your field (or out of it) has really influenced your career as it is today, made you what you are and your career what it is?

3) AN IDEA: what idea are you especially thankful for? Did a big idea change your field entirely? Did it call into question everything you thought you knew?

And if you are a blogger, and want to participate, PLEASE DO!!! I’d love to see what other people around the blogsphere think of these questions. Send Sci a link and she’ll add it in!