Some of you may remember that Sci has recently graduated and become a post-doc! She’s very pleased with her new surroundings, but has a question for the masses: how comfy should one make one’s office space?

See, Sci spends a lot of time in the office. Right now, not TOO much, but come grant deadline time, and all the papers…well. Sci already has a secret drawer full of tea and chocolate and her trusty mug and water bottle. She already has her small collection of lucky items, and her diploma proudly displayed. I’m getting a coffee maker ASAP.

But the question for comfort is this: Sci is often chilly. She keeps a sweater in the office, and always brings layers, but for long writing days/evenings, would it be acceptable to, say, stash a small fleecy blanket? What about a small pillow for the desk chair? When is comfy TOO comfy?!

So my question is this: how do you personalize/comfy up your desk space? Are there major dos and don’ts? Suggestions?