This will be the second year that UCLA will hold a rally in support of biomedical science and in support of well-regulated welfare-based animal research. The first one was held last year, and attracted over 700 people! Sci was (and is) unfortunately not in that region, but she remembered last year how excited she was for the people able to participate. She hopes that even more people will come out this year in support, and if you can’t, please lend your support by commenting over at the website!

And as another point of business, Sciencebase has posted his review of Open Lab, 2009!

The blogs represented are written by scientists, science students, science writers and science journalists. Some of them are deadly earnest. Others more light-hearted. Some are seriously interesting. All are fascinating in their own way and many fields of science are covered within the pages of The Open Laboratory 2009.

And now you can submit for this year!!! Let’s make sure that this year’s editor, Ben Landis, has even MORE posts to deal with than I did. Hehehehehe…