I haven’t shared a cheap eating recipe in a long while. This is a sad thing. While Sci is no longer a starving grad student, I AM still a post-doc, and we don’t get paid much better. And living in a Big Honkin’ City is no financial treat, either. This recipe, which I snagged from my Mother in Law, is a really lovely vegetarian soup, warm and filly, and perfect for those long winter nights in the lab!

You will need:

6-8 cloves garlic
1 onion
10 cups vegetable broth (I make it with bouillon because it’s cheaper)
Bowtie pasta (1/2 box, I usually use whole grain because I’m annoying like that)
fresh or frozen spinach (frozen is usually cheaper)
kidney beans (1 can)
carrots (5. Ish.)
Olive oil

Cook your pasta. Set aside. Thaw spinach if using frozen.

Mince your garlic. Chop your onions. Saute both in olive oil until softened and starting to cooke. Add veggie broth. Bring to a boil. Add chopped carrots and kidney beans. Simmer for 10 min or until carrots taste nice and soft.

Add your pasta in. Then take your spinach. If using fresh, wilt the spinach in slowly. If frozen, thaw it out, and chuck it in there.

That’s it! That’s all!! Nice, eh? It makes a TON, enough to feed a hungry grad student at least 3-4 days.

Anyone else had good recipes lately?