Some of you might remember last year, for the first time, the Rock Stars of SCIENCE!

The idea was to make science more cool and accessible by showing that scientists are not just scientists, they are people. And people who are kind of awesome. So they took a bunch of very big scientists and paired them with rock stars. I’m not really sure how well it did, esp since the scientists are all in suits (not so cool, that), but I do think it sends important messages: that not all rock stars and celebrities are anti-science woo-wagons, and that scientists are human too (some even like Sheryl Crow).

And this year they are doing it again, and they have gone a lot better (in my personal opinion) by adding some WOMEN!!!

Is that Rear Admiral Dr. Susan Blumenthal I see there, second from the right, known for her excellent public health work in women’s health, and for US Assistant Surgeon General?

THAT is what I am talking ABOUT!

WOOHOO!! That is (second from the right) Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, the first Australian female Nobel Laureate and the researched who discovered telomerase. Awesome doesn’t even begin to describe this woman.

They also included this year two African Americans, including Dr. Bernard Harris, the first African American to spacewalk.

So Check it out when it comes out, the feature will appear in GQ Magazine as before. And I am personally thrilled that they have made an effort to include more women and minorities in this years spread, and that they got some leather jackets in the mix. Here’s hoping it will do some good!