…I have to go back and look now or I’d have NO idea what number we’re on!

With mosquitoes, roadkill and sexual harassment in science. And coffee. Without coffee I don’t know how we’d handle all the rest.



YIKES. “Detox clay” contains high levels of lead. More evidence that this stuff needs regulation. ow.ly/YqYOh

Miss my links last week? Here they are. Now with side rant on representation of women in sci reporting. ow.ly/YBKqK

ohgodohgodohgod. I am so glad I don’t wear contacts right now. From @ACSReactions and @Anna_Rothschild.ow.ly/YtDsK

Please friends, that left-brain right brain quiz says about as much about you as “what Disney princess are you?”npr.org/sections/13.7/…

Failed landings after chicken flight. For Science. I wish there was video.ow.ly/YtPRh

These molecules light up in a crowd but NOT in a solution. Could be important for medical applications. ow.ly/YtQ4n

When we try to get girls into sci, why do we take the “girl” out? ow.ly/YtQBf By @rocza

The story @roseveleth didn’t write. Shows why outside comments are so important. ow.ly/YtRFw I have these too.

“Getting threats is like a horrible form of Achievement Unlocked” @mikamckinnon on writing about science on the internet.


“What’s easy to forget about…correlation is not causation, is that causation is incredibly difficult to prove.”ow.ly/YtUgw

ICYMI: I wrote a feature about roadkill. For SCIENCE. ow.ly/Yuufb

“You thieves, you brigands, you media lampreys.” PAY. YOUR. WRITERS.ow.ly/YwLeK

This last link inspired something of a twitter rant:

Related to this article: you get what you pay for.terribleminds.com/ramble/2016/02… I see people constantly complaining about the state of writing.

Do you want to read good journalism? It’s by professionals, who get paid, and editors, who get paid.terribleminds.com/ramble/2016/02…

So it’s not just that people should pay their writers, because YES, they SHOULD. But that in turn means there needs to be money to pay them.

When readers dart to crap sites to read something for free, avoid sites with ads, etc, they add to this issue.terribleminds.com/ramble/2016/02…

Unless sites make money they CAN’T pay for good work. You want to read good work? find sites that pay. Support them.terribleminds.com/ramble/2016/02…

Seriously, STOP THIS THINKING. Just because people do something they love doesn’t mean they need to go hungry to do it. Artists should be paid for their work. Actors should be paid. Singers. WRITERS.

I feel like much of this issues with writers not getting paid is that people (A) want to read stuff for free (more on that later), and (B) secretly think that they could totally do that themselves, if they wanted. Here’s the thing, I thought I could write about science too, if I wanted. Could I? Well, not until I’d spent YEARS working on it, not really. I mean, I could. But it was terrible. Why do you assume you can write just as well as those who spend hours and day hunkering over their words, digging up sources, working to understand and interview and call? Why do you assume this is all so easy?

Rant over. For now.

WOO Mammal March Madness is BACK!!!! ow.ly/YqXYG Get your brackets now!

TIL there are cacti smugglers.ow.ly/YC6tN

Ever heard how people “draw a scientist” as male? Well, a scientist has done an update. From me: ow.ly/YEBcK

Diagnosis from a single drop of blood gets complex…when not all drops of blood are the same. ow.ly/YEKGO


This week’s word has potential. Potential energy, that is. ow.ly/YEEPT

To better hitters, the ball really does look bigger. ow.ly/YEI4s

Great points from @DrMRFrancis on the price of sympathy for harassers.ow.ly/YEImp

Is Toxoplasmosa really a mind-altering parasite in humans? ow.ly/YEIIO@Neuro_Skeptic covers a new study.

Barnacles are turning all kinds of ocean trash into cozy habitats for animals at sea. ow.ly/YEJ0Q

HPV vaccine already reduced incidence by 2/3. Nice. ow.ly/YEJMA

A truly disgusting series of experiments on how blowfly poo could land your DNA on a crime scene. ow.ly/YELY1 by @GoryErika

When papers are missing important citations, what should be done? @RetractionWatch has a survey.ow.ly/YEMvf


If you want to bet on an octopus fight, just look at the colors. ow.ly/YEJkU by @Inkfish

Long-term stress may trigger herpes outbreaks in humans, and the same could be true in the Great Barrier Reef.ow.ly/YEJtV

Why publishing negative data is really hard. http://ow.ly/YEMXQ From @retractionwatch

How mosquitos find our feet. With a CRINGE worthy image. *shudder*http://ow.ly/YENxC

The battle over bodies for dissection, back when people believed dissection was the WORST thing to happen.http://ow.ly/YF3d2

The @NASW highlight practical tips for making sure your book doesn’t flop. *crosses fingers* http://ow.ly/YF3tt

Samantha Bee on workplace harassment. http://ow.ly/YF6wh Doesn’t address science directly, but might as well be.

The Hadza, the honeyguide, and the trouble with “naturefaking”http://ow.ly/YFLi7 Via @AnnaNowo


Why reporting on science is a good way to lose friends, or why I’m the annoying pedant on FB. http://ow.ly/YFQXO by @juliaoftoronto

I posted this to my FB feed as well. And you know, I definitely agree with it. I keep being that horrible person busting myths and griping about correlation and causation. I do it because I love science, and the process of science, and accuracy. But I also do it because, dangit, I BELIEVE in my Facebook friends. And I believe in my Twitter followers. I believe, deep down, that we are all rational, and capable of changing our minds in the force of evidence, if we just stop for a minute and think. I know a lot of the reactions are knee-jerk, and that’s ok! Let’s all build better knee-jerk reactions together! So I’m an annoying as heck pedant. Because I believe in you. 🙂

What’s this? Oh, just a map. Of dead hedgehogs. For science. As you do.http://ow.ly/YHhJM

Harassment in science isn’t a case of a few bad apples. @docfreeride says it’s time to change the system.http://ow.ly/YICEj

On changing social norms in science @docfreeride says we need to embrace the norm…of NOT embracing trainees.http://ow.ly/YICSB

Love this. The accidental brilliance of scientific mistakes. http://ow.ly/YIVf1Featuring @johannavarner

From me! What happens when oysters pig out on microplastics. And what we can do about it. http://ow.ly/YKkpG

This article on exercise made me use my standing desk again. http://ow.ly/YKm82But I wonder how much health incentives work long term?

A man puts his face under the beauty microscope, and contemplates what science knows about being good looking.http://ow.ly/YKzt7