It’s been a fabulous week in Chicago my friends, at the greatest show on Earth, the Society for Neuroscience conference. Much science was learnt. Much coffee was consumed. And the Twitter links? The twitter links kept coming!


But by the end I have to say, I hit peak science. Or peak socialization. One of those.


No, you cannot be addicted to lip balm.

One does not simply….replicate a scientific study. Interesting piece on some of the challenges.

Great points from @roseveleth on writing about disability without making it inspiration porn for able people.

How a botanist shooting rice from guns changed the face of breakfast. Snap, crackle, POP. via @playinghookie

You can adopt a bat. I want a bat. Will someone please adopt me a bat.

Our brains still have the circuitry to rotate our ears. It just…doesn’t work anymore. I want it back.

Good stuff from @erikvance about how journos handle conflicts of interest. Something every reader should know too.

Sexual harassment isn’t just in astronomy. Power structures make it hard to combat in #STEM


The people who made Peeple don’t get their social psych, argues @melanietbaum

TIL there are vampire birds. Vampire. Birds. Adorable little blood-drinking

New role for inflammation in schizophrenia. From @mocost

Fantastic letter filled with simmering rage. A rage I totally identify with. On Geoff Marcy and academia.

“We used to get one life. Now we get two.” by @laurahelmuth an older post but a really good one.

Sexism in science. What’s new is not that this happens. What’s new is that people are finally being held accountable

Every week I gather all my twitter links into a post. Full of links. Miss my stuff last week? Get it here!

It’s #StatsDay15. Even when results look different, make sure to make conclusions cautiously.

I participated in a #sciwri15 panel on the B word. Branding, that is. Check out the storify of the “unpanel”


This thing just keeps getting weirder. What happens when scientists email Monsanto. by @brookeborel

Electric eel science will shock you. “Unless you’re wearing rubber gloves..” @edyong209‘s here all week folks.

When you’re a frog, chemical weapons come with a high evolutionary cost. by @nerdychristie

An artificial skin can help prosthetics sense touch.

How well do syrian hamsters hold their liquor? About 10 times better than humans.

Does the California drought need beavers?

Need to escape a horse? Just keep running and running and running…

If you need some empathy, don’t go to someone experienced for sympathy. Ouch.


Everything you thought you knew about penguin feathers is wrong. by @edyong209 I admit I knew nothing…

How writers structure those long, gloriously fascinating pieces. to strive for.

A classic from @scicurious Mouth brooding fish have oral sex to improve fertilization…

This is how dinosaurs pumped it up. Blood, that is. To their heads.‘ new column at @smithsonian

Green peppers are unripe red peppers. by @laurahelmuth I remember when I learned about broccoli and brussels sprouts

There is a research center that studies where your time goes. How do I get in on this study…

When computers can write the news, who would still become a journalist? Well, I would. 🙂

Invasive species may make great snacks, but bad meals for native predators. by @SarahZielinski

Glow on. In glowworms, the brightest ladies get the most men.


Effects of a high fat diet on memory may fade over time. *phew* (snarfs egg and cheese bagel)

Seeing a happy face in the crowd depends on who you’re looking at.

A teen decided to find out for himself just how much caffeine was in that coffee. Built a home lab.

some of the issues with over-sensationalizing science.

Guy who thinks our hands evolved for punching is back. With cadaver arms and fishing wire. Still not convinced.

Wild dinosaur inaccuracies demonstrate why scientists are important. Even brachiosaurus could NOT rock a tank.

The Galapagos tortoises are now officially 2 species. When I saw “new” I admit I was hoping for adorable baby pics.

Love this. If you met yourself you wouldn’t always agree with yourself. by @neuro_skeptic but would you hate you?