The Silence is the Enemy Campaign continues! Please take a look around the blogs that are participating, there’s some GREAT stuff going on. For a full list, check out the Intersection. And a good number (including this one) are donating their clicks to Doctors Without Borders in honor of Silence is the Enemy.

As far as individual posts, may Sci recommend the ones over at Mad Scientist, Jr. Toaster has a bunch of really good posts on the men involved, how society makes them into men who can belittle (and some who can rape) women, and how we might go about changing this. It’s a very thought-provoking series.
She also recommends some interesting posts (and conversations) going on at Almost Diamonds. Check them out.

And last, but not least, the talented Arikia has donated her time to create a website devoted to Silence is the Enemy!
It’s great that this is picking up steam, and more in always better. Keep clicking, and keep reading!