On Animal Research

Recently, one of my beloved SciBlings, Janet, was one of the speakers at a UCLA Dialogue on the ethics of animals in research. Although I was more than a little afraid for her (of course her name, address, email, and phone were instantly posted all over the activists websites), but Sci’s fears turned out unfounded […]

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Speaking of Research at SFN

“They attacked all of neuroscience when they attacked me” -David Jentsch This morning Sci attended the symposium on Animals in Research: Widening the Tent, a symposium on how to reach out and garner more support for animal research, and to encourage scientists to speak out. You’d think that would be a pretty easy thing, of […]

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The things Sci has seen…

If you want me to stop, I completely respect your opinion. If you want me to stop, find me something else.

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An Odyssey with Animals

“An Odyssey with Animals: A veterinarian’s reflections on the animal rights and welfare debate” by Adrian R. Morrison.

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