Cure your Aging Synapses with this New Diet and Exercise Regimen!

The title for this one comes from those stupid “1 tip for a flat belly!” and “The thing moms know about whitening teeth!” ads that keep popping up for me. You know the ones. Well, now, screw that. WHAT’S more important than getting a flat belly or whitening your teeth?! CURING YOUR AGING NEUROMUSCULAR JUNCTIONS!!! […]

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SFN Neuroblogging: Diets and binge eating

It’s the second to last day of SFN. Sci thought she was a grad student of boundless energy, but even she is beginning to feel…a little burned out. Posters, each one of the good and showing some seriously cool stuff, slide past her eyes. After a while you can barely remember what you just saw, […]

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