Walking and Obesity: The City Life vs the Country Life

Sci rather wishes this study were done in mice, if only so she could write “the city mouse and the country mouse” in her title. But it was done in humans, which was really probably a good thing. This post has some background. Sci was sitting around with her lab one day, shootin’ the breeze […]

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Cheesecake-eating rats and food addiction, a commentary

As you might have noticed, Sci is really interested lately in the concept of food reward systems, in particular the issues associated with the effects of binge eating on reward systems in the brain, and the issue of “food addiction”. And Sci is not the only one who is interested. Lots of other people in […]

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Dopamine and Obesity: The D2 Receptor

Sci would like to note that today’s entry is being written on the adorably tiny screen of her netbook, which is named Ruby. Everyone say hi to Ruby! Unfortunately, this is because her wireless on her normal computer suddenly decided that it was too good for her modem. Perhaps it’s an April Fool’s Day joke. […]

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A Balloon in your Stomach and your Brain

Sci is still tracking her caloric intake every day for the goddess (well, mostly for herself, but also for the goddess). It’s very long, slow haul. Sci still considers days when she eats no more than 2000 calories (preferably a little less) as good days. That may not seem like much of a diet, but […]

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