Yes! Sci was in Boston last night (wish I could stay, but I am like a ninja. A ninja of SCIENCE) for the 2012 IGNOBEL PRIZES! It was a super fun ceremony this year, with the usual paper airplane throwing, moments of science, and someone describing the whole of the universe using balloons and pie. That part was particularly awesome.

As for the winners, these are some well earned prizes, and Sci is over at Scientific American Blogs with a full list, a livestream, AND NOW…the full blogging of the Ignobels will begin. Yup! I got to chat with all the winners (except for the Medicine Prize, those guys eluded me, which might be good, their prize sounded…explosive), and I’ll be blogging each of the prizes and the papers that earned them, so keep an eye on the blog and stay tuned! It’s going to be a wild week!