Sci wanted to highlight Neuroskeptic’s blog today. I realized that I’m ALWAYS retweeting their stuff, but never seem to link to them on the BLOG. And that has to change. Cause Neuroskeptic is teh greatest. They always have an interesting and skeptical look at the latest research. For example, check out this great post on exercise and depression (and the comment thread following it), for a good look at why the link between exercise and antidepressant activities may be a good thing, but difficult to use correctly in the clinic. I totally agree with his point, and I ALSO wonder: if the link between exercise and depression is meaningful activity…do other “hobbies” produce similar, though possibly more minor results? What about playing cards, or crochet, or another hobby that people might find meaningful? I think the results may be more minor (the physical effects of exercise may be a huge deal here), but it’s still worth checking out.
Also, check out Neuroskeptic’s post on online comments. Sci has to read that one a lot to keep her sanity. In general, I just recommend Neuroskeptic, for a skeptical and insightful look at the latest neuro stuff.