Science coverage on the Internet is always in flux. One minute I feel like I’m seeing science links galore, and the next…I’m having to really hunt them down.

It also seems that my hunting grounds change over time. For a long time, I could find science to read aplenty just by scrolling through my Twitter timeline. Now, science Twitter people who once posted science links post fewer and fewer, mostly focused on their own stuff. That’s fine, of course, I’m all for self-promotion, but it does mean the number of science links is down.

Facebook, for a while, seemed ascendant. I was seeing more and more science links there. But it’s often IFLS, or the Daily Mail, or the same post shared over and over and over.

I tried looking on Reddit. But it’s the same old, same old. Often people post links to “wow” science there that is actually 10 months old or more. Other times, it’s the same five stories I’m seeing on Twitter and Facebook…except Reddit links only to the press release.

In the face of all this, I have started posting links every day. About 8 per day, sometimes more, trying to share cool and interesting science. And to find it all…I’m going back 2010 style. My RSS feed is now the place where I know I can find science. I’ve got Science News, Science, Nature, Ars Technica, Buzzfeed, The Guardian, the NYT, the New Yorker, Wired, SciAm, The Atlantic, Stat, Vox. Etc.

But I’m still not sure I’m finding the stuff that really needs to get shared. If you want the latest hotness from Science or Nature or Cell, I promise you at least four outlets are going to cover it. But what about the little guys? The smaller papers? Who’s covering those? Where are they?

What are my RSS feeds missing?

I’d like to know, what blogs or science outlets should I add? Looking back on my Tweets what do you think I miss?