Every so often, Sci wishes she had a life outside the lab. So then Mr. SiT takes her away from it all for a weekend. This is super fabulous, and Sci has a wonderful time, coming back refreshed and rejeuvenated to…
…her overflowing email
…her hungry cat
…her overflowing desk
and in the heat of all this, and trying to make up for wonderfully well-spent time, and caffeinate enough to get everything done, she misses things.
Things like the fact that the next edition of Giant’s Shoulders went up! Dr. Laden was kind enough to include us even though I was an idiot and didn’t submit in time. There’s some good stuff in there. I especially recommend the post on the giant killer lungfish (I need a few of these for my army when I take over the world), as well as two great posts on Francis Bacon from The Intersection.
And the next issue of Encephalon went up at the Neurocritic! We’re also in this one for our post on the mouse that couldn’t get high. I really like that Neurocritic did with the carnival, it’s really obvious that they read everything they included very closely. Rockin’.
Oooooh, one more thing. Dr. Isis has posted a FABULOUS response to a letter on grad school interviews. Sci just took the n00bs through their interviews here at MRU. Perhaps at some point I will post some advice of my own from a grad student perspective. Her advice is excellent and I hope was really helpful.
And now, back to burning the after-midnight magic. This whole training to be a science rockstar thing is hard work.