“Man, I REALLY want to dissect a whale.”

I’m not sure what thoughts led up to this one. But as I sat at my desk this past Thursday, probably combing through lit of recently washed-up whales and their cleanup efforts, that was the thought foremost in my brain.

I have wanted to dissect a whale ever since I saw this:


It’s the episode of Inside Nature’s Giants where they do a sperm whale. I loved every bit of that giant anatomy show, but this episode took the cake. I love anatomy. And if I had a bucket list, a list of things to do before my bucket gets kicked…whale dissection is on there.

I began to wonder: Am I the only one? Surely there are other science nerds out there who want to dissect a whale, nerd out on the Galapagos, see the Aurora Borealis, and get a bacterium named after themselves.

So I asked Twitter. And invented a hashtag: #scibucketlist

What followed was tweet after tweet filled with passion and inspiration. Watching science nerds share the fun, motivating, mundane, and crazy things they want to do with their lives was just so beautiful. It was lovely to watch scientists and non-scientists share what they loved, and to hear about the places that filled them with wonder and awe. And it was awesome to see the hashtag trending, trending over something positive, so filled with hope and happiness. Not everything on the Internet is outrage and puppy pictures. Sometimes, it’s hopes and dreams.

So below are a few of my favorite #scibucketlist tweets. What sciencey thing do YOU want to do before you kick the bucket? Add to the hashtag!