There’s been a great conversation going on in the blogsphere over the past few days about blogging as a woman. I hear I’m a woman, so it’s rather natural that I’ve got some interest in this. One of the things I found particularly interesting is that people don’t seem to KNOW that female science bloggers are even THERE! I saw lots of comments like this (on Christie’s most excellent post about being a woman science blogger):

This post made me examine my own blog choices. On my RSS feed (which includes 10) and those to which I don’t subscribe but check regularly (which adds another 10), you are one of two female bloggers and the only female science blogger. In fact, I couldn’t even name another female science blogger! I was (and am) dismayed by this discovery. Time to revise my reading habits…

And other bloggers (like Stephanie’s excellent take, as well as the brilliant Kate Clancy, who’s promotion of this topic has been inspiring) have noted that women science bloggers just…don’t seem to promote.

Well. Let’s change that. Let’s self-promote! And male science bloggers? Promote us! Cause whether or not we are female, many of us are DANG good writers.


(Source. Also, I’d like to note that I felt distinctly weird standing up and shouting “my blog is awesome”, because I really do react badly to tooting my own horn at all. Telling.)

And there are loads of OTHER excellent female science bloggers. In fact there’s an entire list available at the Guardian, though it is by no means complete. Not only that, there’s a friendfeed, where you can follow female science bloggers. So get out there, look for us, and read up! We’re here and we’re good, and we shouldn’t stay invisible.