I would like to start something new on the blog, the Word of the Week! Even though I try very hard to keep my blog posts readable for people without much science background, it’s really hard to not use big words. Or acronyms. Or a bunch of other things. Usually I explain them or link to Wikipedia or something else with a credible definition, but I think I’d like to make my own. Some will be serious, and some will be silly, some will be sciencey and some will not, but they will all be there for you to see, and will also be useful for linking to when I want to mean what I MEAN, in the context that I mean it, as opposed to the context in which Wikipedia may mean it. This sounds kind of odd, but when you’re talking about some of the words used in neuroscience (“reward”, “reinforcement”, “bias”, “opiate”), you need to talk about the specific neuroscientific context, without any of the possible others.

And then of course, some words are just FUN.

So we begin with today’s word, which is…Briffit.

A briffit is the cloud of dust which hangs in the air behind a swiftly departing object or person.

Eat my briffits. 🙂