Sunday Funny: Walnuts are shaped like BRAINS because…GOD.

Remember that whole “avocados and eggplants go straight to the womb because they shaped like wombs”? It turns out that’s a THING. Like, a thing that people actually believe. Via Josh Rosenau, and presented with eyerolling. Food Patterns of our Body Proof for Intelligent Design from blowthetrumpet on GodTube. Yes. Josh found the video via […]

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Friday Weird Science: how much wood could a woodchuck chuck…

…if a woodchuck could chuck wood? We’ve all heard the answer to that age-old question: he’d chuck the wood that a woodchuck COULD chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood. But then you have to ask yourself: how much IS that? Someone actually found out. Or rather, they MAY have found out. The paper is […]

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Marching to a different beat: ADHD and circadian rhythms

Sometimes, I read a paper, and I’m just suddenly struck by the sheer interconnectedness of the brain. This is one of those papers. Not because of the paper itself, but because when you see the association between one change in the brain (ADHD) and another (circadian rhythm), you can start to intuit other changes that […]

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Sunday Funny: Howlin' at the moon

Humans don’t do it, but we surely BELIEVE that we do. Today’s Sunday Funny comes to you courtesy of Keith Laws and a tweet I saw. Presented with eyerolling and the muttered comment “people are stupid”. Psychol Rep. 1995 Feb;76(1):32-4. Belief in lunar effects on human behavior. Vance DE. Source University of New Orleans. Abstract […]

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The Ignobels continue: chimp butts and coffee and green hair, oh my!

Sci has been blogging up at a storm over at SciAm Blogs, talking about this year’s IgNobel prize winners!! Make sure to check out the coverage of chimps who can recognize other chimps by their butts, the town that had green hair, and the fluid dynamics of why your coffee won’t stop freakin’ spilling when […]

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Make sure to check out the WINNERS of the 2012 IGNOBEL PRIZES!

Sci has been blogging up a storm over at SciAm Blogs, talking about this year’s IgNobel Prize winners! It was a great ceremony and a really fun time, and now I’m blogging each and every winner, from the people who use old ammunition to make diamonds, the people who wrote the reports on the reports […]

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Sunday Funny: Is your pyramid correctly aligned?

This week’s Sunday Funny brought to you by Biochembelle. Given the one two weeks ago, I’m starting to wonder why on earth she knows QUITE so much about pyramid alignment. 🙂 Presented with eyerolling. Indian J Exp Biol. 2007 May;45(5):455-8. Influence of alignment of the pyramid on its beneficial effects. Bhat S, Rao G, Murthy […]

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The 22nd 1st Annual IGNOBEL PRIZES!!

Yes! Sci was in Boston last night (wish I could stay, but I am like a ninja. A ninja of SCIENCE) for the 2012 IGNOBEL PRIZES! It was a super fun ceremony this year, with the usual paper airplane throwing, moments of science, and someone describing the whole of the universe using balloons and pie. […]

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The Sports Psychology of Academia: Playing the Game and Staying Sane

Kate Clancy has another excellent post up at Context and Variation. This one is on the idea of using sports psychology to help yourself function in academia. Go read it. Then come back. 🙂 I like this idea very much. In particular, I really like the idea of deliberately separating out what you can and […]

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At SciAm blogs today: orexin and binge eating rats

Sci is at SciAm blogs today, talking about a new study on orexin and binge eating in rats. Orexin is a newish neurotransmitter with a couple of interesting behavioral effects, one of which is on appetite. It’s an interesting study and it’s nice to see a ‘new’ molecule pick up steam. Head over and check […]

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