Donor’s Choose: Thank you all so much!!!

Donor’s Choose is over for another year. I’m always thrilled to participate, and I wish I could have done more. I can only make so many excuses like “work has avalanched on top of me”…but it HAS! HONEST! Anyway, this is a BIG THANK YOU to all those who donated to my Donor’s Choose page!!! […]

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Donor’s Choose Reminder!

Sci grew up going to public school. We had some pretty good science teachers, and I remember how hard they worked to make learning fun for us. They raised money to build greenhouses (which I got to work in! Loved that!), raised money to build terrariums (nothing gets girls screaming like bringing a pile of […]

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Sci vs Cuttlefish.

Sci has a sad confession to make My reputation now is at stake! I made a small bet Against the Cuttlefish set For the kids and young scientists’ sake. So please think of giving, large or small, Little is better than naught at all You can benefit kids by filling teacher’s bids And help their […]

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Oooh, Donor’s Choose Competition!!!

There once was a fine Cuttlefish Who said to me thusly, “I wish That people’s money they’d use To give to Donor’s Choose! But how?” Said the fine rhmying old fish. The he got an idea most fine And stated “Let our powers combine!” Or rather, we’ll COMPETE! To see who’s readers are most meet […]

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Donor’s Choose for SCIENCE!!

Check it out over there, waaaaay down on the sidebar, Sci has up a giving page for Donor’s Choose!  I’m giving to kids who are most in need of science and math materials this year. Most of them don’t need much, just a few hundred dollars for things like ink, microscopes, math books. And of […]

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Donor’s Choose Time!!!

It’s time for Donor’s Choose, the time of year when we ask for donations to classrooms to help out kids with teh learnin’.  I love this drive because it gives the opportunity to direct your money straight to the classrooms that need it, and allow them to directly buy the supplies that are needed to […]

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Experimental Biology Blogging: Getting Scientists to Speak Up in the Animal Research Debate

Sci has, of course, returned from #EB2011 (that’s Experimental Biology 2011 for those not on Twitter).  She is still in the later stages of recovery.  I don’t know about you guys, but conferences always end up with me being ill from something or other. Be that as it may, Experimental Biology Blogging CONTINUES. Though I’ve […]

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Threatening Students Interested in Science

By now you may have heard of the latest tactic of the animal rights group “Negotiation Is Over”. The militant animal rights group has decided to get them while they’re young. Not to recruit while people are young, mind you, to THREATEN. To threaten college students who are interested in science careers and doing animal […]

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Let’s talk about sex (in science)

Sci has been really thrilled to see so much talk over the past few days on women science bloggers, where they are, and why they appear to fly under the radar.  But I’ve noticed that, while female science bloggers and female scientists aren’t big fans of comments on their appearance…most of them have no problem […]

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Where are the female science bloggers?

There’s been a great conversation going on in the blogsphere over the past few days about blogging as a woman. I hear I’m a woman, so it’s rather natural that I’ve got some interest in this. One of the things I found particularly interesting is that people don’t seem to KNOW that female science bloggers […]

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